Goodbye Summer, Hello Second Year!

Aaaaaand we’re back with Year 2!

Between working and planning a wedding (that’s right, I got MARRIED!), this summer flew past. I can’t believe it’s actually August. I guess time flies when you’re having fun!

I’m about to start my second week of classes and my brain already feels full. So far, we’ve only had lectures from 8 AM – 12 PM, but it feels like I’m in class from 8 AM – 6 PM. Each lecture is chock full of information that will be on our exam this coming Friday. Luckily, I’ve been proactive and kept up with flash cards and nightly review sessions. I’ve heard from third years the moment you take a day off from studying is the moment you’ll fail.

There was a great quote from a fellow third year I was lucky enough to catch last week:

“You know how they say first year is like drinking from a fire hose? Well, second year is like doggy-paddling through a hurricane.”

– Nice Third Year Who Made Me Want To Cry

I guess I’ll take their word for it.

I am happy to be back, though, don’t get me wrong. There were days where I was mentally bored. I had a day off from work or it was the weekend and I was wandering around my apartment wondering what I could do with all my free time. I always wondered what it was like not having to study for something!

(Hint: it’s kind of boring!)

But that’s coming from a young adult, recently married, with no children and one pupper to care for. I’m sure I’ll be smacking my past self around for not enjoying the quiet moments while I had them, just like I’m doing now to my five-year-old self for not wanting to take naps when I had the chance. Naps are bliss, you crazy girl! Sleep while you still can.

This post is just a “Hi, I’m alive, I’ll see you when everything’s on fire and I’m saying ‘I’m fine’ when I’m really mentally screaming and living off black coffee and Junior Mints.”

See the source image

Thanks for reading!


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